Lead Pastor:  John Stange


John Stange is the Lead Pastor of Core Creek Community Church.  His hobbies include; writing, podcasting, and rooting for the Eagles.  John's personal website is DesireJesus.com.  He and his wife Andrea have four children and live in Langhorne.

Executive Pastor: Greg Phillips


Greg is the Executive Pastor at Core Creek Community Church. He oversees Kid Zone, in addition to overseeing many of the day-to-day administrative tasks of the church. He is an avid reader, board gamer, and a fan of all things Lord of the Rings. Greg is engaged to Grace.



Isaiah Cramer is the Youth & Children’s Pastor at Core Creek Community Church. He works with the spiritual development of our children and teens, and seeks to help them become fully devoted followers of Christ.  Isaiah and his wife Abby are the parents of a daughter, Immi.

Elder:  Richard Smith


Richard Smith is an Elder at Core Creek.  He is also a professional electrician and the Director of our Building Team.  Rich and his wife Vanessa have six children and they enjoy the process of raising their kids to know and love Jesus.


Elder: Scott Compton

Scott Compton is an Elder at Core Creek.  He is also our Finance Director.  Scott and his wife Rebecca have four adult children and they enjoy the blessing of being grandparents as well.

Ministry Directors

Our Ministry Directors lead the various ministries of our church.  Just about anything you might appreciate about Core Creek Community Church is being organized, implemented and facilitated by our Ministry Directors.  Many of our MD's have space on their teams.  If you see an area that interests you and you would like to join a team, please contact one of our MD's today and they will get you plugged in.


Seth Richardson:  Missions Director


BECKY RICHARDSON:  Nursery Director


Andrea Stange:  Children's Ministry Director


Joshua Garms:  Worship & Community Groups Director




Matthew Thomas:  Technology Director


Alyssia Thomas:  Hospitality / Congregational Care Director

Sarah Graham: Events Coordinator